Friday, 18 October 2013

8 Nutrients Every Person Needs To Boost Health

It's important to learn how to create a balance of protein, carbohydrates and quality fats with each meal. There are eight (8) essential nutrients including protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, B12, iodine and Essential Fatty Acid which are necessary to boost and optimize health..

1. PROTEIN ::   A crucial part of any diet, the average RDA for women is 45 grams and for men 55 grams, which can easily consume in the form of ::

Beans, legumes, lentils and peas
Free range eggs,
Raw milk, cheese and yogurt,
Nuts and seeds, which benefit from soaking in water or sprouting first.
Non-diary nut and seed milks

Note :: Pseudo-meats and other pretend protein food should be avoided  if possible, as they are highly processed food.


One of the most common deficiencies in the world, iron is an important nutrient, integral to many bodily processes. It is especially for pre-menopausal and pregnant women, who tend to have this deficiency. When feel tired, low in energy, suffer from headaches or hair loss, a pale complexion and weak nails, could be suffering from iron deficiency.
Strong, healthy blood requires proper amounts or Iron. The Average RDA for woman 19-50 years is 18mg
women 51+ years are 8mg and adult male is 8mg.
Two billion people may have a zinc deficiency, yet it's an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining a sense of smell, keeping a healthy immune system, building proteins, triggering enzymes, and creating DNA. ZINC also helps the cells of the body communicate by functioning as a neurotransmitter. A deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite, and depressed immunity.
So, the human body does not store Zinc, it is essential to obtain it from food. The RDA for adult women is 8mg and for men are 11mg.

Coca, oysters, wheat germ(zinc)
Green leafy vegetable, Kela, collards, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli.
Nuts, seeds : almonds  and cashews
Beans, lentils, legumes, peas, in cooked and sprouted form.
Fruits and dried fruits : apricots, dates and raisins
Data syrup and molasses

MAGNESIUM :: Magnesium plays a more important role than calcium in the body. It reduces the risk of cancer and controls the entry of calcium into each and every cell ---- a physiological event that occurs every time a nerve cell fires. When it comes to building healthy bones, magnesium is as important as calcium
and vitamin D are. Without adequate magnesium, too much calcium gets inside the cell. This causes cramping and constrictions in ways that many doctors never consider.
Earlier dietary surveys show that a large portion  of adults doesn't meet even the RDA for magnesium (320mg per day for women and 420mg per day for men)  which is below the level necessary for optimal health being 500mg+ per day for both men and women.

Green leafy vegetables, starches,
Grains and nuts and raw milk.

CALCIUM ::  In a nutshell every human body needs calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth, and for the nervous system to function properly. The RDA for adults is 1000-1200mg and can be found in a variety of foods,  such as ::

Dark greens : broccoli, Kela, and Chinese cabbbage
Sea Vegetables :: wakame, arame, dulse hijiki, and kelp
Diary products : milk, yogurt and cheese.

IODINE  :: Iodine is a mineral found mostly in seafood (including seaweed) that helps the body synthesize hormones, including thyroid hormone. This important mineral has been slowly but steadily living in the  food stream.. The chemicals and fertilizers used in modern farming and chlorine added to water bind to  iodine and prevent it from being utilized to human bodies. Iodine deficiency significantly affects the brain development of unborn babies and young children and is the main cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage across the world. Iodine deficiency is not only common in common in developing countries, research has suggested that more than two thirds of teenage girls and 15 percent of adult females in the world have an iodine deficiency.

Eggs, fish and seafood are good sources
Vegans can go for seaweed, cranberries, organic strawberries and Himalayan crystal  salt.

VITAMIN B12  ::  Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient, especially for those following the strict vegan lifestyles. It is required by everybody to make new red blood cells and help keep the nervous system healthy.
Without it, permanent damage can result. B12 can also  lower homocystein levels, which is great news since elevated homocysteine levels may cause heart disease and strokes. A deficiency leads to anemia and its symptoms include tiredness, pale complexion and breathlessness. It also can memory loss, confusion and depression.
Vegans and Vegetarians who don't eat eggs and diary will need to take essential nutrient in the form of a B complex supplement that includes the RDA for B12 of 1.5mg for adults . Should take mushroom, sea vegetables and algae contain something similar to B12, but it does not work in the body in the same way as B12 from animal sources. Some nutritional yeast food products contain some vitamin B12. Meat, and eggs are some of the best sources, however, if a vegetarian or vegan may be essential to occasionally use a B12 patch or high quality B12 supplement in the  diet.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS :: Research says that eating more omega-3 fatty acids makes one live longer, look better and feel happier. A deficiency, on the other hand, can cause depression and even aggressive behavior. These fatty acids prevent heart  disease, are good for eyes, help to keep skin  in good condition.
The body needs quality fats to help absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, to regulate cholesterol, provide energy, maintain heart health and a number of other important functions. Saturated  fats from animal sources is limited in a vegetable diet, but hydrogenated and trans fats in baked goods and chips should be avoided for harmful health effects, Recomended RDA for Omega Fatty Acids is 1-2 tablespoons.

Extra Virgin Olive oil
Sesame Oil
Raw butter and clarified butter
Coconut oil : a saturated vegetable oil that has proven beneficial in the diet
Omega-3 oils : Flax, hemp and walnut oils.


Shibaji Mitra

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