Tuesday, 26 August 2014

It is very hard for India to become a Corruption Free Society

8 Reasons Why Its Hard For India To Become A Corruption Free Society

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We all know India has a significant corruption problem and the problem is only going to get worse with increasing social differences. 8 reasons why we think its hard for India to become corruption free:

1.  Given the current economic stats and a stagnant GDP growth rate, it would not be wrong to say that India does not have enough resources to fulfill the demands of its future society which makes it rather hard for the corruption to go anytime sooner.

2. And when you don’t get paid enough – you look for alternative ways, and what’s better than ripping other people’s pockets off and getting easy money.

3. Unregulated power has rather made corruption a mere addiction for the dictators.

4. Because whatever party rules here, corruption remains the same.

5. Rampant bribing has majorly eroded government departments like electricity, healthcare, housing and municipal services. In circumstances like these combating the entrenched culture of retail corruption and moreover remove it from the society for good seems a much harder task.

6. Because corruption in India works like an organised crime – where profits are justly divided among the partakers.

7. Because Police here does not only fail to fight the corruption but rather takes part in it and one significant reason for it is their low salaries.

8. Because beneficiaries rather enjoy it.

Post By: RS Staff

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