Thursday, 26 December 2013


One of the best private industrial sector try to set up a HIGH QUALITY AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY in West Bengal, India. But a political party in West Bengal tried the best effort for West Bengal ---- how the state gone to backward and also in dark regarding to set up that Industry as per the best wishes  of that said party with a brute agitation. And that party suceeded for their aim.
As a result that Automobile Industry Sector left West Bengal with big deprive and lastly that Industry Sector set up their Industry at Gujrat.
And now at present that political party in the Govt. power.
But that Industrial Sector collected lands for their Automobile Industry and also for the ancilliary industries for their co-ordinator sector at S I N G U R, West Bengal.
The name of that Automobile Industrial sector :: T A T A   G R O U P. And the main name of that Group was  R A T A N   T A T A
If that Automobile Industrial Sector set up at West Bengal then huge people benifited from that Automobile Sector like as employment, subsidiary business and many other ways.
That farmars who subscribed their lands by sell they don't know why they subscribed their lands for that 
Industrial Sector.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013


That deep coolest place where the temperature available :: -93.2 degree Celsius ( -135 degree Fahrenheit). This place discovers at ice covered PLATEAU which situated at  EAST ANTARTICA. That place discovered by ACOYA SATELITE of NASA.
That coolest place observed which very near of that said PLATEAU and that discovered on 21st July,  in the year 1983 and the temperature at that place was -89.2 degree Celsius when discovered.
The researcher confused many times when they found many deep cooled places available on that ice covered place which spread over thousand kilometers.
VOSTAK RESEARCH STATION search such places many times before. But at present NATIONAL SNOW & ICE DETA CENTER (NSIDC) search such deep cooled places. And those researchers say that high breathing problem they feel when they go to search cooled places and for that reason their LUNG go to collapse at any time when they do such research work at that place.
The research workers informed that in the middle place of ice-top named ARGUS & FUZI -- have smaller pockets of highest deep cooled place and that created at every 5 to 10 kilometer gap. Highly fall temperature recorded at that place where the pockets discovered. The depth of those pockets are 2 to 4 meters. Deep low temperature which goes to downward gradually stock at those pockets.
The temperature at those pockets go to highest deep low position when the sky in clear position at those places.
Though the highest deep low temperature places in the world discover so ever by the researcher workers but they don't declare that places is like for the GUNIES BOOK.

Shibaji Mitra

Thursday, 12 December 2013


We know the TICK-TICK sound available in the clock when the clock move and that sound is the indication of SECOND in Clock. But at present the time observed at the Electronic Clock at all places.
No sound available at those Electronic Clocks.
And now the TICK-TICK sounds if available 9,192,631,770 times per Second then anyone imagined that
is there any possibility of truth ?
No -one can believe this truth. Because what is the meaning this thousand crore Tick at any clock ? But it is the fact that such clock is ATOMIC CLOCK. Scientists try to believe the exact and perfect time from such type of Clock. So, the correct truth is that the sound of TICKS per second available from the ATOMIC CLOCK and that's the perfect time for the WORLD.
We know that micro/nano particles available at every  element or metalloid and that particles speedily move in at every moment. And this movement available at fix at every type of fixed temperature. As a result the perfect time measurement will be done such perfect speedy movement. The perfect correct time counted throughout in the WORLD of THE OPTICAL ATOMIC CLOCK which is situated at the MIDDLESEX LABORATORY.
Scientist try to count more perfect and correct time to grow the speed movement of MOLICULS. And in the future the exact correct and perfect time from the ATOMIC CLOCK will be counted in TICKS :: 652,121,496,722,646 times per SECOND.
That ATOMIC CLOCK will be made very soon at new ways.

Shibaji Mitra

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