Friday, 29 August 2014

Gabdhi's TRUTH

Shocking Allegations On Gandhiji That Are Going To Make You Faint

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No one can deny the role Gandhiji has played in our struggle for freedom. There is a reason why he is deemed as the ‘Father of the Nation’. But there are certain allegations, really scandalous ones at that, that is make your head spin in shock. It is said a lot was swept under the carpet to shield the Mahatma from public backlash, but some authors have penned books revealing some dirty secrets about the supposed ‘pious’ life of Gandhiji.

1. Gandhi was having sex with his wife, when his father lay breathing his last upstairs. As a result, he decided to abstain himself from sex.

2. Gandhi used to beat his wife up routinely. He had also denied sex to her for decades.

3. Gandhi slept naked with his niece (and 12 year old girls) and other women to prove that he could control his manliness.

4. Gandhi was an adulterer and had a spiritual marriage with two British women who were in the Ashram.

5. Gandhi would do enemas twice a day and if he liked you, allowed you to enter the piece up his rectum.

6. Gandhi’s son left him and converted to Islam.

7. Which war did Mohandas Gandhi support? All of them. There wasn’t a war that the prophet of Non-Violence did not support.

8. Gandhi used to write letters to his friend Hitler and supported him.

9. Gandhi’s horrific advice to Jews—Commit mass suicide.

Post By: RS Staff
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Tuesday, 26 August 2014

It is very hard for India to become a Corruption Free Society

8 Reasons Why Its Hard For India To Become A Corruption Free Society

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We all know India has a significant corruption problem and the problem is only going to get worse with increasing social differences. 8 reasons why we think its hard for India to become corruption free:

1.  Given the current economic stats and a stagnant GDP growth rate, it would not be wrong to say that India does not have enough resources to fulfill the demands of its future society which makes it rather hard for the corruption to go anytime sooner.

2. And when you don’t get paid enough – you look for alternative ways, and what’s better than ripping other people’s pockets off and getting easy money.

3. Unregulated power has rather made corruption a mere addiction for the dictators.

4. Because whatever party rules here, corruption remains the same.

5. Rampant bribing has majorly eroded government departments like electricity, healthcare, housing and municipal services. In circumstances like these combating the entrenched culture of retail corruption and moreover remove it from the society for good seems a much harder task.

6. Because corruption in India works like an organised crime – where profits are justly divided among the partakers.

7. Because Police here does not only fail to fight the corruption but rather takes part in it and one significant reason for it is their low salaries.

8. Because beneficiaries rather enjoy it.

Post By: RS Staff

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


30 Things You Should  Not Share on Social Media

  1. What chicken you are plucking or cow you’re milking on Farmville on Facebook
  2. How many you have killed on Mafia wars or where they are buried.. again on Facebook
  3. Party photos showing you inebriated or a hand placed where it shouldn’t be
  4. That you are having a party.. you might get more guests than you counted on
  5. Photos  revealing  you flirting with the bosses wife at the annual work Christmas party
  6. That you are having an affair
  7. That you are thinking of having an affair
  8. Complaints about your boss
  9. That you hate your job and want to leave.. you might get your wish.. involuntarily
  10. Don’t share photos or an event that reveals that you were not sick that day at work
  11. That are you are planning to take a sickie
  12. Drama with your friends
  13. Issues with your parents
  14. Passwords.. unless you have more money than brains
  15. Hints about passwords like dogs names
  16. Images and videos of your children
  17. Updates on Facebook after you have escaped from Jail and on the run (don’t laugh it has happened)
  18. Revealing your thoughts about a court case… when on jury duty
  19. Don’t link personal sites to professional business sites like LinkedIn.. don’t mix business with pleasure
  20. Financial information such as how much money you do or don’t have in your bank account
  21. Personal Information
  22. How to get more friends or followers.. it already sounds like a scam
  23. You are leaving on a holiday
  24. The dates you are away on your holiday
  25. Your daily schedule.. burglars have been known to use these little hints to their advantage
  26. Showing you doing something stupid .. not good for personal branding
  27. Your bodily functions
  28. Revealing extreme views on Race, Religion or politics
  29. What you had for breakfast
  30. Finally, If you are not comfortable about it … don’t share it
Do you have more things you think that should not be shared on Social Media networks?

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Shibaji Mitra

Friday, 8 August 2014

Every day we hear and read about vitamins, but many times we wondered where we can find them. To facilitate the work we’ve compiled the most important information on vitamins…
Vitamin A
This vitamin is very important for good vision, healthy skin, hair, nose and respiratory tract. It is also required for proper growth and development of bones and teeth and fastens the wound healing process. Vitamin A can be found in oranges, yellow fruits and vegetables, also in dark green leafy vegetables and milk.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is known to heal wounds, burns, bruising and broken bones. Reduces pain in rheumatoid arthritis, protects you from heart pain, and is best known for the ability to prevent colds. You can find it in any fruit and/or vegetables. The best way to consume it is fresh.
Vitamin D
The main role of vitamin D is to maintain calcium balance in the body. This vitamin is great in the fight against viruses and colds. It is present in most foods of animal origin. The richest natural source of vitamin D is oily fish, such as sardines and salmon. Another good sources are egg yolk, butter and liver.
Vitamin E
This vitamin is very important for the work of the immune system, endocrine system and external glands. Prevents atherosclerosis, accelerate wound healing, protects the lung tissue, can reduce the risk of heart disease and prevents premature skin aging. It is mostly found in vegetable oils, nuts, fruits of the sea, eggs, avocado and dark green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin K
Is needed in small amounts, but is required for the production of key proteins that are important for blood clotting and kidneys. Vitamin K can be found in cabbage, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, peas, soybeans, potatoes, vegetable oils, fish oils, milk, cheese and algae.
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