Sunday, 27 July 2014

The Indian POOR CHILDREN's Life Style

........................THE POOR......................
May be i don't cry but it hurts,,,,,,
May be i won't say but i feel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
May be i don't show but i care,,,,,,,,,,,,
                                    We eat much ,we wast so much daily .we have every thing to eat when ever we wish to eat any thing we just go n order services they always there for our comforts not because we are good just because we have lot of money to wast .
We wish to buy any expensive thing like dresses , shoes , glasses ,anything whatever we wish we just get that by easy way only because we have lot money to wast on us ..........
                                       BUT have we ever think about the poor people that they don't have even to eat proper clean food , even clean water to drink , they don't have complete dress to wear n so many incomplete desires to have in their poor n hunger life.
just simple small message to all out there plz don't wast food just give them a little they may not sleep hungry without food...........if u really agree then share this to everyone (fayaz)"fARA"

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Antibiotics Can Damage Eyes and Vision

How Antibiotics Can Damage Eyes and Vision

The eyes are one of the most difficult body parts to treat once they’ve been beset by vision problems such as retinopathy and macular degeneration. As medical science advances, however, more and more progress is made with drugs that can effectively stem the tide of vision loss; despite this promising advancement, it is very important to become familiar with the general side effects of these drugs. Luckily, there are measures that a patient can take to alleviate or even eliminate some of these side effects.
Antibiotics and the Eyes
Antibiotics are generally credited as one of the pivotal discoveries in the early twentieth century because of their ability to provide an adequate response to previously devastating, unseen illness. Although antibiotics have improved greatly in the past few decades, many of them have side effects that can adversely affect the vision. Some oral antibiotics have been linked with retinal detachment, which is an affliction often seen in boxers because of the traumatic nature of the sport. Oral antibiotics such as Levaquin, Zoxin, and Cipro should be taken with this in mind.
The list of collateral ailments doesn’t stop with oral antibiotics; there are also topical ones known to cause both lesser and more serious symptoms. Take, for example, a few synthetic penicillins: ampicillin and amoxicillin can result in itching and redness. Towards the more serious end of the spectrum, they’ve been known to cause internal bleeding in blood vessels, but this is quite rare. Other antibiotics are known to cause eye problems such as the following:
All in all, there’s a takeaway from this that is worth considering to those in need of eye care: antibiotics are not always what they’re cracked up to be. While helpful to many people, the side effects can range from discomforting to substantial and dangerous. Antibiotics tend to be used too often, which not only reduces their effectiveness when a real serious threat to health comes along, they also alter the body’s natural chemistry.

Monday, 7 July 2014

To protect HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE accureately

- See more at:

Friday, 4 July 2014

Most Powerful Foods to eliminate bad Bacteria

Here are 10 of the most powerful foods to eliminate bad bacteria and strengthen your immune system:

1.      Garlic and Onions

file000807895057Garlic and onions have been used for ages to treat all sorts of illnesses and inflammation. It thanks its antibacterial properties to sulfur compounds, allicin, and many other antioxidants which kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. You can add garlic and/or onions to a wide range of dishes, cooked or raw.

2.      Turmeric

Depositphotos_6209714_originalCurcumin, a powerful antioxidant found in the turmeric root, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat stomach ulcers, indigestion, heart diseases, and viral and bacterial infections. You can use raw turmeric root or dried powdered in smoothies, Indian-style dishes, teas, or sprinkled on rice or salads. Always combine with black pepper to amplify the effect and make curcumin more available for your body.

3.      Ginger

GingerGinger is well known for its stomach soothing and anti-nausea effect. Ginger will not only help you to keep your food in when you’re sick, but its phenols have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties as well. Works great in tea, smoothies, soups, and Asian style dishes.

4.      Coconut oil

Natural coconut walnut oilIts medium chained fatty acids (lauric acid) are great for your heart health and have antibacterial and antiviral effects. Lauric acid, also found in breast milk, destroys pathogens by dissolving their fatty cell wall. We cook nearly all or dishes with coconut oil or often add a spoonful to our morning smoothies.

5.      Honey

Fresh honeyHoney has been used as an antibiotic to treat wounds and illness for ages. Its enzymes produce hydrogen peroxides which can kill bacteria and stop their growth.

6.      Cinnamon

spices-cinnamonLove cinnamon for its taste and antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its medicinal properties come for the oils found in the bark. It is active against more than 60 strains of bacteria and suppresses the growth of fungi as well. For a better effect combine with honey.

7.      Cruciferous

Nutritious Wet KaleWhen you’re sick it is best to incorporate more healing, anti-inflammatory cruciferous vegetables to your diet. Those include cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. They are high in vitamin C to strengthen your immune system and kill invading bacteria. Raw vegetables contain more beneficial phytonutrients. So next to cooking them for dinner try green juices and smoothies as a natural liquid form of antibiotics. Click here to download my FREE green smoothie eBook.

8.      Tea Tree Essential Oil

Dropper over essential oil bottleTea tree essential oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its most common use is to treat cuts, acne, nail fungus, and lung infections. Tea tree oil can be used in toothpaste, lip balms, lotions, soaps, or as a spot-on treatment (test on a small patch first as some people show allergic reactions to this oil).

9.      Fermented Food or Probiotics

YogurtThese add beneficial bacteria to your digestive system, which help to kill bad bacteria or restore the balance after an antibiotic cure. Fermented foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, raw pickles, kim chi, kombucha, and cultured vegetables.

10.  Echinacea

echinacea alternative medicineEchinacea tea or cough syrup has been used for ages to treat the flu, cold, or sore throat. It works anti-inflammatory and acts as an antiviral and antibacterial agent.

FYI: Other Beneficial Herbs

There are many other beneficial herbs with antibiotic properties for you to try. So try and flavor your dishes or teas with those on a regular basis to fight bacteria and strengthen your immune system
  • Goldenseal
  • Thyme                                                                                                                                                          
  • Shibaji Mitra                                                                                                                                                  

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