Here are 10 of the most powerful foods to eliminate bad bacteria and strengthen your immune system:
1. Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions have been used for ages to treat all sorts of illnesses and inflammation. It thanks its antibacterial properties to sulfur compounds, allicin, and many other antioxidants which kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. You can add garlic and/or onions to a wide range of dishes, cooked or raw.
2. Turmeric

Curcumin, a powerful antioxidant found in the turmeric root, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat stomach ulcers, indigestion, heart diseases, and viral and bacterial infections. You can use raw turmeric root or dried powdered in smoothies, Indian-style dishes, teas, or sprinkled on rice or salads. Always combine with black pepper to amplify the effect and make curcumin more available for your body.
3. Ginger

Ginger is well known for its stomach soothing and anti-nausea effect. Ginger will not only help you to keep your food in when you’re sick, but its phenols have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties as well. Works great in tea, smoothies, soups, and Asian style dishes.
4. Coconut oil

Its medium chained fatty acids (lauric acid) are great for your heart health and have antibacterial and antiviral effects. Lauric acid, also found in breast milk, destroys pathogens by dissolving their fatty cell wall. We cook nearly all or dishes with coconut oil or often add a spoonful to our morning smoothies.
5. Honey

Honey has been used as an antibiotic to treat wounds and illness for ages. Its enzymes produce hydrogen peroxides which can kill bacteria and stop their growth.
6. Cinnamon

Love cinnamon for its taste and antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its medicinal properties come for the oils found in the bark. It is active against more than 60 strains of bacteria and suppresses the growth of fungi as well. For a better effect combine with honey.
7. Cruciferous

When you’re sick it is best to incorporate more healing, anti-inflammatory cruciferous vegetables to your diet. Those include cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. They are high in vitamin C to strengthen your immune system and kill invading bacteria. Raw vegetables contain more beneficial phytonutrients. So next to cooking them for dinner try green juices and smoothies as a natural liquid form of antibiotics.
Click here to download my FREE green smoothie eBook.
8. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its most common use is to treat cuts, acne, nail fungus, and lung infections. Tea tree oil can be used in toothpaste, lip balms, lotions, soaps, or as a spot-on treatment (test on a small patch first as some people show allergic reactions to this oil).
9. Fermented Food or Probiotics

These add beneficial bacteria to your digestive system, which help to kill bad bacteria or restore the balance after an antibiotic cure. Fermented foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, raw pickles, kim chi, kombucha, and cultured vegetables.
10. Echinacea

Echinacea tea or cough syrup has been used for ages to treat the flu, cold, or sore throat. It works anti-inflammatory and acts as an antiviral and antibacterial agent.
FYI: Other Beneficial Herbs
There are many other beneficial herbs with antibiotic properties for you to try. So try and flavor your dishes or teas with those on a regular basis to fight bacteria and strengthen your immune system
- Goldenseal
- Thyme
- Shibaji Mitra
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